So Christmas was stretched over an entire week for us this year! We started the celebration on Monday December 21 with us opening our gifts from each other. James did great with his gifts, giving me a Fossil watch that I really wanted, a beautiful cream colored coat for work and a coach purse. I could really tell he put a lot of thought into what he got me. James got several gifts, including a Steelers Jersey which he had been wanting for over a year. It was so nice to celebrate our first Christmas together as a married couple.
Rocking the new Jersey
The festivities continued on Tuesday evening by opening the presents mom and dad sent us. We opened them via skype, so it was as close to being together as we could get. It was hard for me to not be home for Christmas, but really nice to be able to see mom and dad on skype. I must do that more often. James got Super Mario Bros. for Wii, which I am now addicted to!! I'm not very good and stuck in the second world, but it is tons of fun.
Rockin the Super Mario Bros
Then on Wednesday after I got off work, we headed up to Virginia to see the Phipps'. Janet and I spent all day Christmas eve baking 3 kinds of chocolate chip cookies, 2 packages of sugar cookies, 2 kinds of brownies and lemon bars. It was cookie madness but reminded me of all the fun we had growing up baking cookies for the neighbors. A little last minute shopping also took place on Christmas Eve : )
Janet cutting the fruitcake, I tried it but it's not for me!!
Christmas day was entirely different than a Montgomery family Christmas. We rolled out of bed about 8, and ate breakfast like normal. Once breakfast was over and the dishes done, we headed to the living room to open presents. I was completely overwhelmed as everyone opened presents at one time and I was trying to watch everyone! haha. Christmas afternoon was lots of fun surrounding the Wii. We got James' parents to play Wii, including golf, bowling and Mario Kart. Finally I had a chance to win ; )