Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Halfway there!

I wrote this almost 2 weeks ago and forgot to post it...oops!

Yesterday we had our 20 week ultrasound.  Not that we would have been able to tell if something was wrong, but it was really interesting to watch as they checked everything from his brain to his heart.  The doctor commented that Wyatt is "a mover and a shaker" as he kept moving throughout the ultrasound, making it take longer for them to get all the images they were looking for.   He started out belly up, flipped spine up, and then flipped again to belly up before they were done.    Sounds like we will have our hands full when he arrives!  The doctor said everything looked good and he is already 12oz.   We are so thankful that we have had a normal pregnancy so far.

How far along: 20w2d
Baby is the size of a: a banana
Symptoms: mostly tired
Food cravings:  sweets and French fries :)
Anything making me queasy/sick:  not at the moment
Sleep:  I get tired easily and go to bed early but my sleep has gotten a little more comfortable with the addition of a few extra pillows
What I miss: feeling in control of my emotions
Wedding ring on or off: on.  haven't noticed any swelling
Movement:  I feel him move daily now.   sometimes it is subtle and I have to pay attention to notice, other times it is not so subtle
Labor signs:  nope
Best moment of the week: getting to see him at the ultrasound and being told that everything looks good
What I'm excited about/looking forward to:  getting the nursery all put together.  Now that we know what crib/changing table we will use, I just want to get everything put together.

1 comment:

  1. Great update :-) My name is Heather and I have a question regarding your blog! Please email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
